Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Trying To Get Into A Routine

We have been back now for a week and we are still trying to get Robbie back into his normal routine. He is great during the day, but has really struggled sleeping at night. It might have something to do with the fact he gets really uncomfortable when he has a load in his diaper, which is understandable. He also didn't get good sleep for the week that he was in the hospital and had to be held a lot, so we are trying to get him back to sleeping on his own.

Other than the lack of sleep, he is doing really well. The poopy diapers aren't near as bad as I thought they would be and it is really nice to not worry about his bag anymore. He loves being at daycare to play with all of his friends. He is just a go-getter at home, walking behind his walker and playing all over the house. On Sunday, Grammy and Uncle Rog came to the house so he was able to play with them. On Saturday we met Grandpa, Nana, Boston and Caroline at Jason's Deli for lunch. He loves seeing all his family and loves all the attention that they give him.

We are hoping to have a relaxed week this week, just hanging out with the family and enjoying some time at home. We had our basketball banquet last night and Marty, the phototgrapher, weas able to snap a few pictures of us. Robbie loves being around all the girls on the team and is such a little flirt. He also loved when everyone would clap so he could join in with them.

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