Sorry that the updates are so few and far between, basketball season is in full swing and there just isn't much time in our household. Robbie couldn't be doing better, he is all over the place and talking up a storm. A lot of the words don't make much sense to anyone but myself and Saree, but he just loves to talk. He seems to really be stretching out because he is now in all the kitchen drawers and grabbing stuff off the counters. Last week was a little rough for him though, he had croupe and pink eye, and was not himself for a few days, but once the medicine kicked in he was back to his full of energy self.
Other than basketball, not much is going on for us. We have been very lucky this year that Grammy can come down on nights when both Saree and I play to watch him for us. He loves having Grammy at the house and not having to go to every basketball game. He doesn't quite sit around at the games like last season and makes it a little more difficult to keep happy in the bleachers.
We are trying to schedule another surgery for him this spring or early summer. This should be the last surgery for awhile and hopefully keep him out of the hospital for a few years anyway. The surgery will be back in Baltimore at Johns Hopkins and will repair his epispadius.
I will try to do a better job of keeping the blog updated, should be easier in the next few weeks or so as basketball winds down.
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