Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Last Day In New Jersey

Well, we head back home tomorrow afternoon so we are spending our last day in New Jersey just beating the heat. They are calling for record highs here today so we are inside watching the World Cup. Robbie has been very good the last few days, not many meltdowns and lots of smiles. The swelling on his head is almost back to normal and makes all of us feel a lot better. He is eating much better and sleeping well at night. The last three nights we have only had to get up once each night to feed him.

When we get back home it's back to reality. Saree has basketball camp next week and I have one the following week. After that the first day of school is just around the corner. We are really going to miss hanging out with Mimi, Uncle Jer, Aunt Mel, Bryce, Caden and Clara. Because of all the trips to Baltimore it feels like we just got here. We hope everyone had a great 4th of July and our next post will be from home.

Here is a link to some pictures from our trip here in New Jersey.


1 comment:

  1. Great Pics, Robbie is getting so big, we need to get together so I can hold that sweet boy!! Have a safe trip home!!
