Saturday, December 18, 2010

Home & Crawling

All it took was for us to get Robbie home and he has just taken off crawling everywhere. He had been looking like he was going to crawl for quite a while, but finally figured it out and is now going everywhere. He is still doing really well after surgery and you wouldn't even know that it was Monday that he was in the O.R. for 90 minutes. We are so grateful for the great surgerical work of Dr. Levitt and his team to make a new poop hole for our little guy.

We go back out to Cincinnati on January 7th so Dr. Levitt can see him again and start to do the dialations. If everything went as Dr. Levitt planned, the most painful part of this procedure, the dialations, should be a lot easier and less painful because he was able to make the hole big enough.

It has been great being back home and starting to get into the groove of things again. We are here for a few days then head out to New Jersey and Mimi's house for Christmas.


  1. The power of prayer is such an amazing thing. Watch out Mom and Dad, he's found his wheels and there's no stopping him now.

    Love you guys!
