Thursday, December 9, 2010

Testing Is Complete

It took a little while to get back there, then the test took some time but Robbie was such a big boy and now the tests are done. They took some XRays of his stomach and pelvic area and then did a Colostogram. This test was done by injecting contrast into his mucous fistula to see what his colon looked like. The radiologist said that they got good images and will get those to Dr. Levitt today. After the colostogram is where there was some confusion on what the next step in the process would be. We didn't know if we were done or when we would talk to someone about surgery. After 45 minutes and Saree talking to a nurse in the colorectal unit, we are now waiting to see when we can meet with Dr. Levitt and he can go over Robbie's case, hopefully prior to checking in on Sunday. I guess if we don't hear anything before Sunday, we will check in and just wait to talk to him then. Right now we are still waiting to hear back from the Ronald McDonald House too. Looks like we have a Thursday of just hanging out in town and trying to catch up on some sleep, if Robbie will let us. More updates will come as soon as we find something out.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you made it and testing is done. It sounds like you have a few days in Cincinnati before checking in on Sunday. Enjoy a few days off together. You're definitely in my prayers. Love you all!
