Thursday, July 21, 2011

Baltimore: Day 4 (July 21)

Laying Robbie down to bed tonight was rough, knowing that this will be the last night for 6-8 weeks that we can hold him and give him hugs and kisses good night. We were selfish and kept him way past his bedtime just to hold him and love on him as much as we could. We are now less than 10 hours away from the surgery that we have been hoping for and dreading since we figured out how to fix the bladder being exposed. We know that we are in the best place in the world to have this procedure done and that with all the love and support for Robbie all around the world that everything will be just fine.

We spent the last day before surgery today scouring the city once again. Saree has the pleasure of taking a Praxis test on Saturday morning to satisfy her requirements for certification, so we found where she is going to be taking it at Johns Hopkins University. On our "Goose Chase" we found Charm City Cakes by accident and on our way back from Target, found another part of Baltimore that we probably will try to avoid in the future. Today, we also got the ridiculous hot weather that the midwest has been getting so the second you walked outside you were soaked.

Mimi made the trip down from New Jersey today and we went to the Inner Harbor for our last non-hospital meal in 6 weeks. We ate at a great restaurant right on the harbor called "Phillips". I would recommend this place if you come to Baltimore. As someone that has never had a crab cake before, I am sure that any that I have from now on will not match the ones we had tonight.

Robbie has been such a good little boy this trip so far, despite that fact that he has two molars coming in, multiple hospital visits, rides in the car through some of the rougher parts of town and having to sleep in a pack-n-play in the same room as us.

For the surgery I will keep everyone posted on how things are going via Facebook mostly and then updating the blog as much as possible. I can update from Facebook on my phone so it is much easier to do it that way. We thank everyone for all their support and please keep the prayers and thoughts coming for Robbie during the surgery and recovery.

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