Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Baltimore: Day 8 (July 25)

Today we got moved from the PICU down to the 6th floor and the IMC. The moved went smoothly but the transition to the new setting and the fact that we got behind on his meds made for four hours of trying to keep Robbie still and enjoy our little boy for awhile. He was pointing at everything in here, playing with his soother and talking to us with his perfect Italian accented "Mama" & "Dada". He was squirming too much for Dr. Gearhart's liking, so also for ours then. He finally settled down around 8:30 pm and we finally got to eat dinner, in shifts.

Saree stayed with him last night and despite the fact that we now have a pullout chair to sleep in still got minimal rest because we now have two roommates, and one of them decided to be up all night making noises. I am sure we will get used to the sounds and things will go better for sleeping.

Mimi goes home today so it will just be the two of us for a few days. She has been a huge help for us and will be missed while she is gone.


  1. Hi Morleys -
    We have been reading your blogs daily to keep abreast of Robbie's progress. Your courage and grace are truly inspiring. We feel your immense power of love and faith assures Robbie's complete and perfect recovery.
    All our love,
    Park and Sandee

  2. Stacie (Lucian's mama)July 27, 2011 at 10:17 AM

    Hey, guys! Hang in there. I know it's really rough-going right now, but he is in the best possible hands. The nurses up there will take such good care of him and of you guys. The sleep does get easier, but don't be afraid to get yourselves a sound machine (or white noise machine) or some earplugs or something (you can ask the nurses to wake you if Robbie stirs)... maybe a sleep mask to cover your eyes, at least. Thinking of and praying for all of you!
