Saturday, September 3, 2011

Baltimore: Day 48 (September 3)

Day 48, September 3rd, is our INDEPENDENCE DAY, the day we take our freedom back from the hospital and take our little boy with us. In about two hours we will be able to get out of the hospital and try to get back to living a somewhat normal life. We are going to stay in Baltimore for a few days to make sure we don't spike any more fevers or have something come up that we need someone here at Johns Hopkins to look at. We will then head up to New Jersey for a day or so, pick up Kernel from Uncle Jer & Aunt Mel's house and start our journey home. We are still deciding if Saree and Robbie will ride home with myself and Kernel or fly home. To even have to make that decision is very exciting, because either way, we are heading home.

Yesterday was a pretty good day for Robbie, despite having to get an MRI. The MRI really didn't come back with any definitive answers for a bone infection or an absess, so the Infectious Disease team just wants us to stay close for a few days and really monitor his temperature and look for any signs of a bone infection.

Robbie was really back to himself this morning, with that big, open mouth smile and just laughing and talking all morning. The only thing we have to get him used to now is taking his medicine orally and eating normal food again. After six weeks of tube feeds and IV's it will take awhile for his stomach to back to normal.

We will keep people posted daily over the next few weeks but I can't guarantee how often that will be since we now have a 15 month old to take care of again. We want to really thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers, gifts, etc...over the past seven weeks and actually the past 15 months, we wouldn't have been able to get through all of this without your love and support.

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