Monday, September 12, 2011


Just like I assumed, once we got home the number of blog posts would go down. Don't have as much time to keep it updated, but wanted to let everyone know that we made it home safely and we are just trying to get back into some sort of routine. Thank you so much for everyones support and love during this long surgery and recovery, it really means a lot to us to have all of you in our lives.

Robbie will stay home this week, since he has to wear wraps on his legs for one more week, then hopefully we can get him back to daycare and let him hang out with all his best friends. He is doing really well, other than waking up like clockwork at 3:00 a.m. each day and then not sleeping soundly after that. Feels like we have a newborn again, making the days extra long for us. Other than that we are good, he is loving his walks around the neighborhood and being with his dogs again.

We will get some updated pictures on here soon and try to keep everyone up to date as best we can.

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