Tuesday, May 25, 2010

We're Coming Home

We got the good news this afternoon that we will be coming home tomorrow afternoon. The neurosurgeon checked him out today and said he is good to go for Wednesday. We have a ton of other appointments in our very near future and another lengthy stay here in Children's Mercy, but right now we are going to start our new family at our house and not Pod D34.

The outpouring of support for us these past 8 days has been overwhelming. We will do whatever we can to pay back this support somehow. We will still need all your thoughts and prayers as we have a big challenge ahead of us in the next year for sure and possibly longer.

We will have all sorts of pictures tomorrow when we get the big guy home.



  1. Woohoo! Home Sweet Home!

  2. Yeah! I'm so excited for you. I can't wait to meet the little. Love you guys!

  3. What great news and I can't tell you how happy we are for you guys. Just think, his first car ride with his Mom and Dad...how exciting. We love you all so much and want to thank you for this great blog. Although we are so far away, it truly does allow us to feel like we are there.

    Loves, kisses, hugs, prayers and wishes for a great trip home. Unbelievable to think that all that Robbie has been through in the last week, he really is going home.

    Love you all so much!

  4. Yeah!!! So happy for you guys, now you can start taking care of that sweet boy without all the limitations of the hospital. Take care and let me know if you need anything.

  5. Oh, how wonderful! It is such an awsome feeling to walk into your house as a family!(It is such an odd feeling going from 2 to 3, but yet so wonderful)!!! Enjoy your first days together :)

  6. Yippee!!! So happy that you get to take him home. We will continue our prayers!

  7. We are so excited that your are bringing Robbie home!

    Ephesians 6:18: "And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests."

    We are praying every day...multiple times a day for Robbie's healing and recovery. He is lucky to have two such amazing parents.

    The Turners

    PS I am not smart enough to figure out how to post a comment beside my school google account... thus the "Mrs." Turner :)
