Tuesday, August 10, 2010

2 Month Doctor's Appointment

Robbie had his two month doctor's appointment yesterday and really did a good job of taking his shots like a big boy. When the first shot went in he let out a yell that basically said, "what the heck was that and why did it hurt so much." After the last shot he just laid there and then when Mom picked him up he started laughing. I guess if you've had two surgeries in the first week of your life, a few shots are nothing.

He weighed 12 pounds 3 ounces and was 23 inches long. Both of these are in the 30th percentile, so the doctor put him on some supplement to take with his bottle. He just wants him to put on some good weight before he starts all the surgeries that are coming up. He also changed his reflux medicine from Zantac to Prilosec. The Prilosec is a little stronger and he also upped the dosage. Don't know if it was from the new medicine or the shots, but he slept really well last night and seems to be doing a lot better today with his sleep.

We have one more day together tomorrow before he goes to daycare on Thursday. Robbie and I are going to go down to Kansas City with Uncle Zach and Aunt Rachel in the morning to do some shopping at the outlet mall.

We are still waiting to hear from Cincinnati that they received the records from Children's Mercy. I will give them until next Monday, then we will just head down to Mercy and see what the delay seems to be.

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